The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a playground for some of the most iconic superheroes in film history. Among these heroes, few have left as lasting an impact as Chris Evans in his portrayal of Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America.
Avengers: Endgame brought Chris Evans’ remarkable run as Captain America to a poignant and fitting conclusion. He hung up Captain America’s shield after the 2019 film. In a new interview with GQ, the actor opened up about stepping back from the MCU and what it feels like putting his favorite shield down.
Chris Evans Reminiscences His Last Day in MCU
Can you believe it’s been four years since Chris Evans bid farewell to MCU? Evans for the first time played the role of Steve Rogers/Captain America in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger and went on to reprise his role in 11 movies over the next 9 years. And then he gracefully hung his shield.
In a recent interview with GQ, he was asked about his last day in the MCU. The actor replied:
“The last day was emotional. It’s like graduating school. I mean like you know today’s coming and then it’s all of a sudden here and you feel like it went by way too quick and I mean it’s life-changing. My life was forever not the same. My family’s life wasn’t. The ripple effect of signing up for that role was kind of immeasurable for me at least and it was a beautiful time full of gratitude.”
While Chris Evans may have hung up his shield, the legacy of Captain America endures in the MCU.
He Will Never Say Never for Another Marvel Film
In the interview, Chris Evans reiterated that he could return for another MCU movie. However, he also said that it won’t happen anytime soon.
“I’ll never say never, just because it was such a wonderful experience,” Evans said to GQ.
“But I’m also very precious with it. It’s something that I am very proud of. And like I said, sometimes I can’t believe it even happened. And I wouldn’t want the black eye if it felt like a cash grab or if it didn’t live up to expectations or if it just felt like it wasn’t connected to that original thing. So, no time soon.”
Although Sam Wilson has already taken over as Captain America in the MCU, many fans still believe that Evans will return in the near future in some way.
Evans has acted in three movies since retiring as Captain America: The First Avenger: Knives Out (2019), The Gray Man (2022), and Ghosted (2023). Upcoming projects for Evans include the Christmas action movie Red One with Dwayne Johnson and the Netflix crime drama film Pain Hustlers with Emily Blunt.
Source: GQ