Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular anime and manga series that is currently ongoing, and it is known for its exciting fight scenes, entertaining characters, and comedy. Created by Gege Akutami, the series follows the adventures of Yuji Itadori who joins a school of Jujutsu Sorcerers who aim to defeat powerful curses, one of whom Yuji has become the host of. He is taught by Satoru Gojo, the world’s most powerful sorcerer.
Please note that from this point on, this article will contain spoilers.
The series’ anime is currently airing its second season and has reached the storyline known as the Shibuya Incident Arc, while the manga is naturally far ahead of the anime. In the latest chapter of the manga, Satoru Gojo has seemingly been killed by the villainous Sukuna. But will he actually stay dead, or will he somehow be brought back to life? Here are three reasons for either side of the argument.
3 Reasons why Satoru Gojo must remain dead
1. To allow his students to come out of his massive shadow
Satoru Gojo casts a huge shadow, especially over his students, with his immense power, influence, and status as the world’s strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer. He is stronger than they will ever be, and while they do look up to him to varying degrees and he does wish to empower them, his absence will finally allow them to come out of his shadow.
Furthermore, without his presence acting as a fail-safe for their lives, his students will fight more responsibly and seriously.
2. For his death to be meaningful and impactful
The impact that a seemingly meaningful, final death has is often undercut by the death being undone somehow or the character not dying in the first place, despite looking like they should. Gojo’s death should be final so that it hits harder for the survivors and the readers, and it’s better storytelling too.
3. To allow others to carry on his legacy
Satoru Gojo wishes to reform the Jujutsu society, as he often disagrees with a lot of what goes on, particularly with the Jujutsu elders. His way of doing this is through education, and his death would allow his beloved students to carry on his legacy in their own way, and so would characters who were his friends, such as Shoko or Utahime.
3 reasons why Satoru Gojo must live
1. Gojo is the face of the franchise
Gege Akutami probably won’t kill off Satoru Gojo because Gojo is the face of the franchise as its most popular and most marketable character. Fan interest could potentially drop with his death, not to mention the entire Jujutsu Kaisen community would be heartbroken.
Furthermore, the fan base could even be deeply divided by his death, with some being for it and others against it.
2. Gojo still hasn’t achieved his goal
As mentioned earlier, Gojo’s goal is to reform the Jujutsu society from the ground up through the medium of education. By doing so, he also wishes to create those who are equal to himself. Having him die off before reaching this goal would leave the character unfulfilled and incomplete.
3. His students need him
One of the most important reasons for Satoru Gojo to stay alive is that his students still need him. Sure, they’ve grown a lot in power and have become more mature too, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need him. He still has a role to play in their lives as their friendly, goofy teacher.